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Removable retainers 

Removable retainers are used to hold teeth in their new positions after braces are removed. Retainers need to be worn life-long, usually when you are sleeping. (or as prescribed by your doctor.)
Retainers come in many designs such as fixed retainers, and clear retainers.

Fixed Retainer

A fixed wire is typically made of stainless steel and it is placed on the backside of the teeth and customisable so that you cannot see it when you talk or smile. 
Known as “bonded retainer” or a “permanent retainer”, it is usually only placed on the first 4-6 teeth, as these are the teeth that have the tendency to want to move back to their original place. Fixed retainers are meant to stay in place indefinitely.
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Hawley Retainer 

Hawley retainer is one form of orthodontic retainer, which uses a combination of a hard plastic or acrylic plate connected by a thin metal wire. The retainer is moulded to your mouth to fit comfortably in your mouth.
The Hawley retainer must be worn nightly for life, so your healthy smile is maintained for as long as possible. It can be used after treatment with braces or clear aligners like Invisalign.
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Vivera Retainers

Vivera retainers are clear retainers used to protect the results of Invisalign or any orthodontic treatment. They look like aligners but are designed to keep teeth in place, not move them. 

They are thicker than any aligners because they are designed for long-term use: a single set can last for several years when cared for properly. Vivera retainers are the most long-lasting of all clear retainer types.

Love your smile.